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Command Reference

API Declarative CLI (ADC) is a command-line tool for managing both APISIX and API7 Enterprise declaratively. It offers simplicity and clarity in defining the desired state of the gateway, allowing developers and administrators to focus on the result rather than the steps.

The declarative configurations serves as the single source of truth that developers can manage through their existing version control systems.

ADC has the following general syntax:

adc [command] [options]

with global options:

  • -V, --version to check the version
  • -h, --help to print the help menu of the command

Configuring ADC

ADC needs to be configured before it can be used to manage the gateway. You can configure ADC using environment variables or command-line flags.

Using Environment Variables

ADC exposes all configuration options as environment variables. For example, you can configure the backend type and address using the ADC_BACKEND and ADC_SERVER environment variables, respectively.

export ADC_BACKEND=api7ee
export ADC_SERVER=https://localhost:7443

A better way is to configure these options in a .env file:


Using Command-Line Flags

You can also configure ADC or overwrite the configuration in the environment variables using the command-line flags. For example, to configure/overwrite the backend type and address for the ping command:

adc ping --backend api7ee --server "https://localhost:7443"

Run adc help [command] to see the available configuration options for a command.


adc ping

Ping the configured backend to verify connectivity.

OptionDefault ValueDescriptionValid ValuesEnv Variable
--verbose <integer>1Overrides verbose logging levels.0 represents no log, 1 represents basic logs, and 2 represents debug logs.0, 1 or 2
--backend <backend>apisixBackend type to connect.apisix or api7eeADC_BACKEND
--server <string>http://localhost:9180Backend server address.ADC_SERVER
--token <string>API token to access the backend.ADC_TOKEN
--gateway-group <string>defaultGateway group to operate on.ADC_GATEWAY_GROUP
--label-selector <selectors>Resource labels to filter for.
--include-resource-type <string>Filter for resource types, such that the resource search results should only contain the specified type.
--exclude-resource-type <string>Filter for resource types, such that the resource search results should exclude the specified type.
--timeout <duration>10sRequest timeout for the client to connect with the backend Admin API in duration, such as 30s, 10m, and 1h10m.
--ca-cert-file <string>Path to CA certificate for verifying the backend Admin API.ADC_CA_CERT_FILE
--tls-client-cert-file <string>Path to mutual TLS client certificate for verifying the backend Admin API.ADC_TLS_CLIENT_CERT_FILE
--tls-client-key-file <string>Path to mutual TLS client key for verifying the backend Admin API.ADC_TLS_CLIENT_KEY_FILE
--tls-skip-verifyfalseWhether to verify the TLS certificate when connecting to the backend Admin API.ADC_TLS_SKIP_VERIFY

Sample Usage

Check Connectivity with Configured Backend
adc ping
Check Connectivity with a Specified Backend
adc ping --backend api7ee --server https://localhost:7443

adc lint

Validate the provided configuration files locally.

OptionDefault ValueDescriptionValid ValuesEnv Variable
-f, --file <file-path>Files to lint.

Sample Usage

Lint the Specified Configuration File
adc lint -f adc.yaml
Lint Multiple Configuration Files
adc lint -f service-a.yaml -f service-b.yaml

adc sync

Synchronize the local configuration to the connected backend.

OptionDefault ValueDescriptionValid ValuesEnv Variable
--verbose <integer>1Overrides verbose logging levels.0 represents no log, 1 represents basic logs, and 2 represents debug logs.0, 1 or 2
--backend <backend>apisixBackend type to connect.apisix or api7eeADC_BACKEND
--server <string>http://localhost:9180Backend server address.ADC_SERVER
--token <string>API token to access the backend.ADC_TOKEN
--gateway-group <string>defaultGateway group to operate on.ADC_GATEWAY_GROUP
--label-selector <selectors>Resource labels to filter for.
-f, --file <file-path>Configuration files to synchronize.
--include-resource-type <string>Filter for resource types, such that the resource search results should only contain the specified type.
--exclude-resource-type <string>Filter for resource types, such that the resource search results should exclude the specified type.
--timeout <duration>10sRequest timeout for the client to connect with the backend Admin API in duration, such as 30s, 10m, and 1h10m.
--ca-cert-file <string>Path to CA certificate for verifying the backend Admin API.ADC_CA_CERT_FILE
--tls-client-cert-file <string>Path to mutual TLS client certificate for verifying the backend Admin API.ADC_TLS_CLIENT_CERT_FILE
--tls-client-key-file <string>Path to mutual TLS client key for verifying the backend Admin API.ADC_TLS_CLIENT_KEY_FILE
--tls-skip-verifyfalseWhether to verify the TLS certificate when connecting to the backend Admin API.ADC_TLS_SKIP_VERIFY

Sample Usage

Synchronize Configuration from a Single File
adc sync -f adc.yaml
Synchronize Configuration from Multiple Files
adc sync -f service-a.yaml -f service-b.yaml
Synchronize Configuration to a Specific Gateway Group
adc sync -f adc.yaml --gateway-group production
Synchronize Configuration without Lint Check
adc sync -f adc.yaml --no-lint
Synchronize Configuration with Debug Logs
adc sync -f adc.yaml --verbose 2
Synchronize Configuration to a Specific Backend
adc sync -f service-a.yaml -f service-b.yaml --backend api7ee --server https://localhost:7443
Synchronize Only Specified Resource Types from the Configuration File
adc sync -f adc.yaml --include-resource-type global_rule --include-resource-type plugin_metadata
Synchronize Only the Resources with the Specified Labels
adc sync -f adc.yaml --label-selector app=catalog

adc dump

Save backend configuration to a local file.

OptionDefault ValueDescriptionValid ValuesEnv Variable
--verbose <integer>1Overrides verbose logging levels.0 represents no log, 1 represents basic logs, and 2 represents debug logs.0, 1 or 2
--backend <backend>apisixBackend type to connect.apisix or api7eeADC_BACKEND
--server <string>http://localhost:9180Backend server address.ADC_SERVER
--token <string>API token to access the backend.ADC_TOKEN
--gateway-group <string>defaultGateway group to operate on.ADC_GATEWAY_GROUP
--label-selector <selectors>Resource labels to filter for.
-o, --output <file-path>Specify the file path where the backend data should be dumped.
--include-resource-type <string>Filter for resource types, such that the resource search results should only contain the specified type.
--exclude-resource-type <string>Filter for resource types, such that the resource search results should exclude the specified type.
--timeout <duration>10sRequest timeout for the client to connect with the backend Admin API in duration, such as 30s, 10m, and 1h10m.
--ca-cert-file <string>Path to CA certificate for verifying the backend Admin API.ADC_CA_CERT_FILE
--tls-client-cert-file <string>Path to mutual TLS client certificate for verifying the backend Admin API.ADC_TLS_CLIENT_CERT_FILE
--tls-client-key-file <string>Path to mutual TLS client key for verifying the backend Admin API.ADC_TLS_CLIENT_KEY_FILE
--tls-skip-verifyfalseWhether to verify the TLS certificate when connecting to the backend Admin API.ADC_TLS_SKIP_VERIFY

Sample Usage

Save Backend Configuration to the Default adc.yaml file
adc dump
Save Backend Configuration to a Specified File
adc dump -o service-configuration.yaml
Save Only Specified Resource Types from the Backend
adc dump --include-resource-type global_rule --include-resource-type plugin_metadata
Save Only the Resources with the Specified Labels
adc dump --label-selector app=catalog
Save Configuration from a Specified Backend
adc dump -o api7ee-dump.yaml --backend api7ee --server https://localhost:7443

adc diff

Show differences in the configuration between the local file and the backend.

OptionDefault ValueDescriptionValid ValuesEnv Variable
--verbose <integer>1Overrides verbose logging levels.0 represents no log, 1 represents basic logs, and 2 represents debug logs.0, 1 or 2
--backend <backend>apisixBackend type to connect.apisix or api7eeADC_BACKEND
--server <string>http://localhost:9180Backend server address.ADC_SERVER
--token <string>API token to access the backend.ADC_TOKEN
--gateway-group <string>defaultGateway group to operate on.ADC_GATEWAY_GROUP
--label-selector <selectors>Resource labels to filter for.
-f, --file <file-path>Configuration files to compare.
--include-resource-type <string>Filter for resource types, such that the resource search results should only contain the specified type.
--exclude-resource-type <string>Filter for resource types, such that the resource search results should exclude the specified type.
--timeout <duration>10sRequest timeout for the client to connect with the backend Admin API in duration, such as 30s, 10m, and 1h10m.
--ca-cert-file <string>Path to CA certificate for verifying the backend Admin API.ADC_CA_CERT_FILE
--tls-client-cert-file <string>Path to mutual TLS client certificate for verifying the backend Admin API.ADC_TLS_CLIENT_CERT_FILE
--tls-client-key-file <string>Path to mutual TLS client key for verifying the backend Admin API.ADC_TLS_CLIENT_KEY_FILE
--tls-skip-verifyfalseWhether to verify the TLS certificate when connecting to the backend Admin API.ADC_TLS_SKIP_VERIFY

Sample Usage

Compare Configuration in a Specified File with the Backend Configuration
adc diff -f adc.yaml
Compare Configuration in Multiple Files with the Backend Configuration
adc diff -f service-a.yaml -f service-b.yaml
Compare Configuration in the Specified Files with the Specified Backend
adc diff -f service-a.yaml -f service-b.yaml --backend api7ee --server https://localhost:7443

adc convert

Convert API specification to ADC configuration.

OptionDefault ValueDescriptionValid ValuesEnv Variable
openapiConvert an OpenAPI specification to ADC configuration.

Sample Usage

Convert OpenAPI Specification in YAML Format to ADC Configuration and Save to the Default adc.yaml File
adc convert openapi -f openapi.yaml
Convert OpenAPI Specification in JSON Format to ADC Configuration and Save to a Specified File
adc convert openapi -f openapi.json -o converted-adc.yaml

See OpenAPI Converter Reference for more documentation.

adc help

Print the general help menu or the help menu for the specified command.

Sample Usage

adc help [command] Logo

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