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See plugin common configurations for configuration options available to all plugins.


The following are plugin attributes available for configurations on consumers.

  • key_id



    Unique identifier for the consumer, which identifies the associated configurations such as the secret key.

  • secret_key



    Secret key used to generate an HMAC.

    The key is encrypted with AES before saving to etcd. You can also keep it in a secret manager, such as HashiCorp Vault's KV secrets engine. See secrets for more details.

Routes or Services

The following are plugin attributes available for configurations on routes or services.

  • allowed_algorithms


    default: ["hmac-sha1", "hmac-sha256", "hmac-sha512"]

    The list of HMAC algorithms allowed.

  • clock_skew


    default: 300

    vaild vaule:

    greater or equal to 1

    Maximum allowable time difference in seconds between the client request's timestamp and APISIX server's current time. This helps account for discrepancies in time synchronization between the client’s and server’s clocks and protect against replay attacks. The timestamp in the Date header (must be in GMT format) will be used for the calculation.

  • signed_headers


    The list of HMAC-signed headers that should be included in the client request's HMAC signature.

  • validate_request_body


    If true, validate the integrity of the request body to ensure it has not been tampered with during transmission. Specifically, the plugin creates a SHA-256 base64-encoded digest and compare it to the Digest header. If the Digest` header is missing or if the digests do not match, the validation fails.

  • hide_credentials


    default: false

    If true, do not pass the authorization request header to upstream services. Logo

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