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See plugin common configurations for configuration options available to all plugins.

  • client_id



    Client ID.

  • client_secret



    Client secret. The value is encrypted with AES before saving to etcd.

  • discovery



    URL to the well-known discovery document of the OpenID provider, which contains a list of OP API endpoints. The plugin can directly utilize the endpoints from the discovery document. You can also configure these endpoints individually, which takes precedence over the endpoints supplied in the discovery document.

  • scope


    default: openid

    OIDC scope that corresponds to information that should be returned about the authenticated user, also known as claims. This is used to authorize users with proper permission. The default value is openid, the required scope for OIDC to return a sub claim that uniquely identifies the authenticated user.

    Additional scopes can be appended and delimited by spaces, such as openid email profile.

  • required_scopes


    Scopes required to be present in the access token. Used in conjunction with the introspection endpoint when bearer_only is true. If any required scope is missing, the plugin rejects the request with a 403 forbidden error.

  • realm


    default: apisix

    Realm in WWW-Authenticate response header accompanying a 401 unauthorized request due to invalid bearer token.

  • bearer_only


    default: false

    If true, strictly require bearer access token in requests for authentication.

  • logout_path


    default: /logout

    Path to activate the logout.

  • post_logout_redirect_uri


    default: /logout

    URL to redirect users to after the logout_path receive a request to log out.

  • redirect_uri


    default: `${ngx.var.request_uri}/.apisix/redirect`

    URI to redirect to after authentication with the OpenID provider.

    Note that the redirect URI should not be the same as the request URI, but a sub-path of the request URI. For example, if the uri of the route is /api/v1/*, redirect_uri can be configured as /api/v1/redirect.

    If redirect_uri is not configured, APISIX will append /.apisix/redirect to the request URI to determine the value for redirect_uri.

  • timeout


    default: 3

    vaild vaule:

    greater than 0

    Request timeout in seconds.

  • timeout


    default: 3

    vaild vaule:

    greater than 0

    Request timeout in seconds.

  • ssl_verify


    default: false

    If true, verify the OpenID provider 's SSL certificates.

  • introspection_endpoint


    URL of the token introspection endpoint for the OpenID provider used to introspect access tokens. If this is unset, the introspection endpoint presented in the well-known discovery document is used as a fallback.

  • introspection_endpoint_auth_method


    default: client_secret_basic

    Authentication method for the token introspection endpoint. The value should be one of the authentication methods specified in the introspection_endpoint_auth_methods_supported authorization server metadata as seen in the well-known discovery document, such as client_secret_basic, client_secret_post, private_key_jwt, and client_secret_jwt.

  • token_endpoint_auth_method


    default: client_secret_basic

    Authentication method for the token endpoint. The value should be one of the authentication methods specified in the token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported authorization server metadata as seen in the well-known discovery document, such as client_secret_basic, client_secret_post, private_key_jwt, and client_secret_jwt.

    If the configured method is not supported, fall back to the first method in the token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported array.

  • client_rsa_private_key


    Client RSA private key used to sign JWT for authentication to the OP. Required when token_endpoint_auth_method is private_key_jwt.

  • client_rsa_private_key_id


    Client RSA private key ID used to compute a signed JWT. Optional when token_endpoint_auth_method is private_key_jwt.

  • client_jwt_assertion_expires_in


    default: 60

    Life duration of the signed JWT for authentication to the OP, in seconds. Used when token_endpoint_auth_method is private_key_jwt or client_secret_jwt.

  • public_key


    Public key used to verify JWT signature id asymmetric algorithm is used. Providing this value to perform token verification will skip token introspection in client credentials flow.

    You can pass the public key in -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n……\n-----END PUBLIC KEY----- format.

  • token_signing_alg_values_expected


    Algorithm used for signing JWT, such as RS256.

  • accept_none_alg


    default: false

    Set to true if the OpenID provider does not sign its ID token, such as when the signature algorithm is set to none.

  • use_jwks


    If true and if public_key is not set, use the JWKS to verify JWT signature and skip token introspection in client credentials flow. The JWKS endpoint is parsed from the discovery document.

  • jwk_expires_in


    default: 86400

    Expiration time for JWK cache in seconds.

  • jwt_verification_cache_ignore


    default: false

    If true, force re-verification for a bearer token and ignore any existing cached verification results.

  • cache_segment


    Optional name of a cache segment, used to separate and differentiate caches used by token introspection or JWT verification.

  • use_pkce


    If true, use the Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) for Authorization Code Flow as defined in RFC 7636.

  • set_id_token_header


    If true and if the ID token is available, set the value in the X-ID-Token request header.

  • set_userinfo_header


    If true and if user info data is available, set the value in the X-Userinfo request header.

  • set_refresh_token_header


    If true and if the refresh token is available, set the value in the X-Refresh-Token request header.

  • session


    Session configuration used when bearer_only is false and the plugin uses Authorization Code flow.

    • secret


      vaild vaule:

      16 or more characters

      Key used for session encryption and HMAC operation when bearer_only is false. It is automatically generated and saved to etcd if not configured.

      When using APISIX in the standalone mode where etcd is no longer the configuration center, the secret should be configured.

    • cookie


      Cookie configurations.

      • lifetime


        default: 3600

        Cookie lifetime in seconds.

  • unauth_action


    default: auth

    vaild vaule:

    auth, deny, or pass

    Action for unauthenticated requests.

    When set to auth, redirect to the authentication endpoint of the OpenID provider.

    When set to pass, allow the request without authentication.

    When set to deny, return 401 unauthenticated responses rather than start the authorization code grant flow.

  • proxy_opts


    Configurations for the proxy server that the OpenID provider is behind.

    • http_proxy


      Proxy server address for HTTP requests, such as http://<proxy_host>:<proxy_port>.

    • https_proxy


      Proxy server address for HTTPS requests, such as http://<proxy_host>:<proxy_port>.

    • http_proxy_authorization


      Default Proxy-Authorization header value to be used with http_proxy. Can be overriden with custom Proxy-Authorization request header.

    • https_proxy_authorization


      Default Proxy-Authorization header value to be used with https_proxy. Cannot be overriden with custom Proxy-Authorization request header since with with HTTPS the authorization is completed when connecting.

    • no_proxy


      Comma separated list of hosts that should not be proxied.

  • authorization_params


    Additional parameters to send in the request to the authorization endpoint.

  • renew_access_token_on_expiry


    default: true

    If true, attempt to silently renew the access token when it expires or if a refresh token is available. If the token fails to renew, redirect user for re-authentication.

  • access_token_expires_in


    default: 3600

    Lifetime of the access token in seconds if no expires_in attribute is present in the token endpoint response.

  • refresh_session_interval


    Time interval to refresh user ID token without re-authentication. When not set, the plugin will not attempt to silently renew.

  • iat_slack


    default: 120

    Tolerance of clock skew in seconds with the iat claim in an ID token.

  • introspection_expiry_claim


    default: exp

    Name of the expiry claim, which controls the TTL of the cached and introspected access token.

  • introspection_interval


    TTL of the cached and introspected access token in seconds.

    The default value is 0, which means this option is not used and the plugin defaults to use the TTL passed by expiry claim defined in introspection_expiry_claim.

    If introspection_interval is larger than 0 and less than the TTL passed by expiry claim defined in introspection_expiry_claim, use introspection_interval.

  • introspection_addon_headers


    Array of strings. Used to append additional header values to the introspection HTTP request. If the specified header does not exist in the original request, header value will not be appended.

  • accept_unsupported_alg


    default: true

    If true, ignore ID token signature to accept unsupported signature algorithm.

  • access_token_expires_leeway


    Expiration leeway in seconds for access token renewal. When set to a value greater than 0, token renewal will take place the set amount of time before token expiration. This avoids errors in case the access token just expires when arriving to the resource server.

  • force_reauthorize


    default: false

    If true, execute the authorization flow even when a token has been cached.

  • use_nonce


    default: false

    If true, enable nonce parameter in authorization request.

  • revoke_tokens_on_logout


    default: false

    If true, notify the authorization server a previously obtained refresh or access token is no longer needed at the revocation endpoint. Logo

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