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See plugin common configurations for configuration options available to all plugins.

  • header_name


    default: X-Request-Id

    Specify the name of the header that carries the request unique ID. Note that if a request carries an ID in the header_name header, the plugin will use the header value as the unique ID and will not overwrite it with the generated ID.

  • include_in_response


    default: true

    If true, include the generated request ID in the response header, where the name of the header is the header_name value.

  • algorithm


    default: uuid

    vaild vaule:

    uuid, nanoid, or range_id

    Specify the algorithm used for generating the unique ID.

    When set to uuid , the plugin generates a universally unique identifier. When set to nanoid, the plugin generates a compact, URL-safe ID. When set to range_id, the plugin generates a sequential ID with specific parameters.

  • range_id


    Define the configuration for generating a request ID using the range_id algorithm.

    • char_set


      default: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIGKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789

      vaild vaule:

      minimum length 6

      Specify the character set used for the range_id algorithm.

    • length


      default: 16

      vaild vaule:

      greater than or equal to 6

      Set the length of the generated ID for the range_id algorithm. Logo

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