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Deploy with API7 Ingress Controller on Kubernetes

This tutorial will show you how to deploy API7 gateway and ingress controller on Kubernetes. API7 Ingress Controller allows you to configure API7 Gateway declaratively in Kubernetes. If you do not wish to work with Kubernetes and API7 Ingress Controller, you may skip this tutorial and start with Launch Your First API.


  1. Install API7 Enterprise.
  2. Have a running Kubernetes cluster.
  3. Have kubectl installed.

Create and Set Namespace

You can optionally create a new namespace for the resources and set it as the preferred namespace, so that you do not need explicitly specify the namespace in every command.

Create a new namespace api7 and set it as the preferred namespace:

kubectl create namespace api7 && \
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=api7

To verify if the default namespace is modified:

kubectl config view --minify | grep namespace:

You should see the namespace has been set:

namespace: api7

Add a New Gateway Group

Navigate to the Dashboard:

  1. Select Gateway Groups from the side navigation bar and then click Add Gateway Group.
  2. Select Ingress Controller as Type.
  3. Enter api7-ingress in the Name field.
  4. Click Add.

Install Ingress Controller

Copy the deployment script generated and run it in the terminal. If deployed successfully, you should see a response similar to the following:

NAME: api7-ingress
LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Jun 19 17:20:24 2024
STATUS: deployed

Install Gateway Instance

Navigate to the Dashboard:

  1. Select Gateway Instances from the side navigation bar and then click Add Gateway Instance.
  2. Switch to the Kubernetes tab.
  3. Fill out the namespace and other parameters, and click Generate to see the deployment script.
  4. Run the deployment script in the terminal.

When installing API7 Enterprise, a gateway group default is initialized with one gateway instance. To avoid port conflicts, you can modify the listening ports of the new gateway instance, or remove the unused instance in the default gateway group.


Check the pod status:

kubectl get pods

You should see all pods in the Running status:

NAME                                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
api7-ee-3-gateway-698f85d98b-jxrwp 1/1 Running 0 6m
api7-ingress-api7-ingress-controller-b4487c7c-p5qzk 1/1 Running 0 10m

Check the services:

kubectl get services

You should see a response similar to the following:

NAME                                                  TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
api7-ee-3-gateway-gateway NodePort <none> 80:32469/TCP 6m
api7-ingress-api7-ingress-controller ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 10m
api7-ingress-api7-ingress-controller-apisix-gateway NodePort <none> 80:32160/TCP,443:31815/TCP 10m
kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 10m

Navigate back to the Dashboard and select Gateway Instances, you should see a gateway instance in healthy status. Note that resources created with API7 Ingress Controller will be read-only in the Dashboard.

Next Steps

  1. Learn how to create a gateway instance in the gateway group.
  2. Follow the getting started tutorials to learn more about using API7 Ingress Controller in API7 Enterprise. Logo

API Management for Modern Architectures with Edge, API Gateway, Kubernetes, and Service Mesh.


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