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Version: 3.6.x

Proxy gRPC Traffic

Google Remote Procedure Call (gRPC) is an open-source high-performance Remote Procedure Call (RPC) framework based on HTTP/2 protocol. It uses Protocol Buffers (protobuf) as the Interface Description Language (IDL). API7 Enterprise provides crucial functionalities such as protocol conversion, load balancing, authentication, and authorization, enhancing the potential of gRPC.

This guide shows how to use API7 Enterprise to proxy traffic for gRPC services.

Below is an interactive demo that provides a hands-on introduction to proxying gRPC traffic using API7 Enterprise.


  1. Install API7 Enterprise.
  2. Complete Deploy with API7 Ingress Controller on Kubernetes if needed.
  3. Install gRPCurl to send requests to gRPC services for validation.

Deploy an Example gRPC Server

API7 provides an example gRPC service for testing. You can start the service in Docker or Kubernetes, depending on your API7 installation.

Start a Server

Start an example gRPC server in Docker listening on port 50051:

docker run -d \
--name grpc-service \
--network=api7-ee_api7 \
-p 50051:50051 \
--restart always api7/grpc-server-example:1.0.0

Verify Installation

Verify whether the gRPC server starts successfully by listing all available gRPC services and methods:

grpcurl -plaintext list

You should see the following output:


List all the available methods for the helloworld.Greeter service:

grpcurl -plaintext list helloworld.Greeter

You should see the following output:


Create a Service and a Route

In this section, you will be creating a service with a route that proxies traffic to the example gRPC service.

Create a Service

  1. Select Published Services of your gateway group from the side navigation bar, then click Add Service.
  2. Select Add Manually.
  3. From the dialog box, do the following:
  • In the Name field, enter grpc-example.
  • In the Service Type field, choose HTTP(Layer 7 Proxy).
  • In the Upstream Scheme field, choose gRPC.
  • In the How to find the upstream field, choose Use Nodes.
  • Click Add Node.
  • From the Add Node dialog box, do the following:
    • In the Host field, enter your private IP address, such as In the Port field, enter 50051. In the Weight field, use the default value 100.
  • Click Add.

Create a Route

  1. Inside the service that you just created in the previous step and then click Add Route.
  2. From the dialog box, do the following:
  • In the Name field, enter helloworld.Greeter.
  • In the Path field, enter helloworld.Greeter/SayHello.
  • In the Methods field, choose GET and POST.
  • Click Add.

Update API7 Gateway to Allow HTTP/2

By default, API7 gateway instance supports TLS-encrypted HTTP/2 on port 9443. For non-encrypted HTTP/2, you can add a new port to the gateway configuration.

In this section, you will be updating the API7 Gateway configuration and deployment to support non-encrypted HTTP/2 on 9081.

Since Docker does not support updating port mappings while the container is running, first remove the api7-ee-gateway-1 gateway container started with the installation.

Next, start a new gateway instance in Docker. Before running the generated deployment command, add the -p 9081:9081 flag. Your command after modification should look similar to:

docker run -d -e API7_CONTROL_PLANE_ENDPOINTS='["https://<YOUR_IP_ADDR>:7943"]' \
" \
" \
" \
-e API7_CONTROL_PLANE_SNI="api7ee3-dp-manager" \
-p 9080:9080 \
-p 9081:9081 \
-p 9443:9443 \

Run the command to start the gateway.

Once the gateway is running, update the gateway configuration to allow HTTP/2 on port 9081:

docker exec <api7-ee-gateway-container-name> /bin/sh -c "echo '
error_log_level: warn

- port: 9080
enable_http2: true
- port: 9081
enable_http2: true
' > /usr/local/apisix/conf/config.yaml"

Reload the container for configuration changes to take effect:

docker exec <api7-ee-gateway-container-name> apisix reload

Verify Configurations

Download the helloworld.proto file here.

This example uses the helloworld.proto file to ensure the gRPCurl CLI tool aligns the request and response format with the gRPC service definition.

If you have installed the gateway instance in Docker and use Dashboard or ADC for configurations, send a request to the route:

grpcurl -plaintext \
-proto helloworld.proto \
-d '{"name":"API7"}' \
"" \

You should see the following output:

"message": "Hello API7"

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