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Version: 3.6.x

Mask Sensitive Data in Access Log

When deploying an API gateway in containerized environments like Kubernetes, access logs are often written directly to the container’s standard output. These logs are then captured by the container runtime or a log collection tool and can be forwarded to a centralized logging system.

However, these logs may contain sensitive information, such as email addresses or access tokens, which could present privacy and security risks if stored or transmitted without proper processing. To mitigate this, it is essential to desensitize sensitive data during the logging process.

This guide will walk you through the process of masking email address in the gateway's access log, by redefining a new log variable and applying it in access_log_format through NGINX's map module.


  1. Install API7 Enterprise.
  2. Have at least one gateway instance in your gateway group.

Update Gateway Configuration

In this section, you will masks the email address in the request_uri by replacing its value with xxxxxx while keeping the rest of the URI intact, to protect sensitive information in the logs.

Add the http_configuration_snippet configuration below to the nginx_config configuration in the gateway's configuration file, to evaluate the request_uri and maps it to the new variable masked_uri based on the pattern matching inside the map block:

http_configuration_snippet: |
map $request_uri $masked_uri {
~^(.*?email=)[^&\s]+(.*)$ $1xxxxxx$2;
default $request_uri;

Update the access_log_format configuration under nginx_config in the gateway's configuration file and use the new variable masked_uri to log request URI:

access_log_format: '$masked_uri $remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] $status $body_bytes_sent $request_time "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" $upstream_addr $upstream_status $upstream_response_time "$upstream_scheme://$upstream_host$upstream_uri"'

Reload API7 Gateway for configuration changes to take effect.


You may use any existing route for verification. If the gateway does not have a route yet, create a route for verification.

Send a request to the route with an email address in the query parameter:

curl -i ""

Navigate to the API7 Gateway access log, you should see a log entry similar to the following, where the email address has been masked:

2025-02-19 11:48:21 /get?email=xxxxxx&user=123 - - [19/Feb/2025:03:48:18 +0000] 200 562 0.004 "-" "curl/8.7.1"

Additional Resources

If you would like to mask sensitive data in request headers, request bodies, and URL queries, see data-mask plugin. Logo

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