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Version: 3.6.x

Alert Variables and Templates

Alert policy notifications (emails and messages) can be customized with pre-defined variables to provide dynamic content.

Alert Variables

Alert variables are data evaluations in the template that are delimited by {{ and }}.

The following variables are available to be used in creating alert notifications(alert message, alert email subject, alert email content)

{{ .AlertPolicyName }}Name of the alert policy.
{{ .Description }}Description of the alert policy.
{{ .Severity }}Severity of the alert policy.
{{ .TriggerGatewayGroup }}The names of the gateway groups that trigger alerts. Multiple groups may be specified, separated by commas.
{{ .AlertTime }}Time of the alert.
{{ .AlertDetail }}Detailed description of the specific event(s) triggering the alert. Multiple events are listed separately.
{{ .AlertTime.Format }}
  • The AlertDetail field is a string that can contain multiple event details, separated by newline characters (\n). To use this field in a JSON body, ensure proper escaping of newline characters.
{{ .AlertDetail | escape }}


Examples to configure alert notifications.

Alert Email Subject

`[API7 Alert] No Enough Healthy Gateway Instances in {{.TriggerGatewayGruop}} - [{{.Severity}}]`.

Alert Email Content

Dear [Recipient Name],

We are writing to inform you that an alert has been triggered for the API7 Gateway at {{.AlertTime.Format "2006 Jan 02 15:04:05"}}. The specific alert severity is {{.Severity}}.

Alert Details:

Gateway Groups: {{.TriggerGatewayGroup}}
Alert Message: {{.AlertDetail}}

Recommended Actions:

Investigate further: Please go check the related logs and metrics for more details. Restart service: Consider restarting the service. Escalate to on-call team: If the issue persists, please contact the on-call team.

Alert Message(JSON)

"text": "{{.AlertDetail | escape}}".
"timestamp": "{{.AlertTime.Format "2006 Jan 02 15:04:05"}}"
"system": "API7 Gateway, {{.TriggerGatewayGroup}}" Logo

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API7 Gateway

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