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Version: 3.6.x

Built-In Variables

Built-in variables in API7 Enterprise are pre-defined variables that can be directly referenced in configurations. They are often used in plugin configurations, route matching, and log customization.

API7 Enterprise supports two types of built-in variables:

  • NGINX Variables
  • APISIX Variables

These variables are evaluated in a given order.

NGINX Variables

NGINX provides a set of variables that can be used to access various request-specific information.

Some commonly used variables include:

  • upstream_addr
  • remote_addr
  • request_uri
  • server_name
  • uri
  • http_user_agent

See the complete list of NGINX variables for more information.

APISIX Variables

In addition to NGINX variables, APISIX offers a variety of built-in variables:

Variable NameDescription
post_arg_*HTTP POST form data when the content type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded. The asterisk is to be replaced with the actual name of the POST form data.
arg_*URL query string. The asterisk is to be replaced with the actual query parameter name.
http_*HTTP request header. The asterisk is to be replaced with the actual name of the header.
cookie_*Request cookie. The asterisk is to be replaced with the actual name of the cookie.
balancer_ipUpstream server IP.
balancer_portUpstream server port.
consumer_nameConsumer username.
consumer_group_idConsumer group ID.
graphql_nameGraphQL operation name.
graphql_operationGraphQL operation type.
graphql_root_fieldsGraphQL root fields.
route_idRoute ID.
route_nameRoute name.
service_idService ID.
service_nameService name.
resp_bodyHTTP response body.
mqtt_client_idClient ID in MQTT protocol.
redis_cmd_lineRedis command.
rpc_timeRPC request round-trip time.

Evaluation Order

API7 Enterprise evaluates variables in the given order:

  1. APISIX Variables
  2. NGINX Variables

If a variable is successfully sourced in custom variables, API7 Enterprise will not continue to look in APISIX variables or NGINX variables.

In other words, custom variables will overwrite variables of the same names defined in APISIX variables or NGINX variables, to better meet requirements of your specific use cases. Logo

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