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See plugin common configurations for configuration options available to all plugins.

  • external_user_label_field


    default: groups

    Key of the user labels when using an external identity provider for authentication.

    The key should be a JSONPath when the user labels are in a nested JSON object and a field name otherwise.

    The values to the key are expected to be in a string array and will be used for ACL tag matching.

  • external_user_label_field_key


    Key of the user label field when external_user_label_field is a JSONPath. For example, if external_user_label_field is $, external_user_label_field_key should be configured to team.

  • external_user_label_field_parser


    vaild vaule:

    segmented_text, json,or table

    Type of parser to parse for user labels.

    When user labels are in serialized JSON format, use the json parser to deserialize the JSON object to a structured list of strings. When user labels are delimited strings, use the segmented_text parser and configure the delimiter in external_user_label_field_separator to parse the strings into a structured list of strings. When user labels are in a list, use the table parser.

  • external_user_label_field_separator


    Delimiter to use by parser when user labels are delimited; that is, when external_user_label_field_parser is segmented_text.

  • allow_labels


    List of labels associated with a key that if present, the request should be allowed access.

    At least one of the allow_labels and deny_labels should be configured.

  • deny_labels


    List of labels associated with a key that if present, the request should be denied access.

    At least one of the allow_labels and deny_labels should be configured.

  • rejected_code


    default: 403

    vaild vaule:

    greater or equal to 200

    HTTP status code to return when the request is rejected.

  • rejected_msg


    default: The consumer is forbidden.

    Error message to return when the request is rejected. Logo

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