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See plugin common configurations for configuration options available to all plugins.

  • uri



    URI of the external authorization service.

  • ssl_verify


    default: true

    If true, verify the authorization service's SSL certificate.

  • request_method


    default: GET

    vaild vaule:

    GET or POST

    HTTP method APISIX uses to send requests to the external authorization service. By default, APISIX sends GET requests to the external authorization service. When set to POST, APISIX will send POST requests along with the request body to the external authorization service.

  • request_headers


    Client request headers that should be forwarded to the external authorization service. If not configured, only headers added by APISIX are forwarded, such as X-Forwarded-*.

  • upstream_headers


    External authorization service response headers that should be forwarded to the upstream service. If not configured, no headers are forwarded to the upstream service.

  • client_headers


    External authorization service response headers that should be forwarded to the client when authentication fails. If not configured, no headers are forwarded to the client.

  • timeout


    default: 3000

    vaild vaule:

    between 1 and 60000 inclusive

    Timeout for the external authorization service HTTP call in milliseconds.

  • keepalive


    default: true

    If true, keep the connections open for multiple requests.

  • keepalive_timeout


    default: 60000

    vaild vaule:

    greater or equal to 1000

    Idle time after which the established HTTP connections will be closed.

  • keepalive_pool


    default: 5

    vaild vaule:

    greater or equal to 1

    Maximum number of connections in the connection pool.

  • allow_degradation


    default: false

    If true, allow APISIX to continue handling requests without the plugin when the plugin or its dependencies become unavailable.

  • status_on_error


    default: 403

    vaild vaule:

    between 200 and 599 inclusive

    HTTP status code to return to the client when there is a network error with the external authorization service. Logo

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