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Static Configurations

By default, values such as cache_ttl when caching on disk and cache zones have pre-configured default values. For example:

cache_ttl: 10s # for caching on disk
- name: disk_cache_one
memory_size: 50m
disk_size: 1G
disk_path: /tmp/disk_cache_one
cache_levels: 1:2
# - name: disk_cache_two
# memory_size: 50m
# disk_size: 1G
# disk_path: "/tmp/disk_cache_two"
# cache_levels: "1:2"
- name: memory_cache
memory_size: 50m

To customize these values, add the corresponding configurations to config.yaml, which takes precedence over the configurations in config-default.yaml. Reload APISIX for changes to take effect.


See plugin common configurations for configuration options available to all plugins.

  • cache_strategy


    default: disk

    vaild vaule:

    disk or memory

    Caching strategy. Cache on disk or in memory.

  • cache_zone


    default: disk_cache_one

    Cache zone used with the caching strategy. The value should match one of the cache zones defined in the configuration files and should correspond to the caching strategy. For example, when using the in-memory caching strategy, you should use an in-memory cache zone.

  • cache_ttl


    default: 300

    vaild vaule:

    greater or equal to 1

    Cache time to live (TTL) in seconds when caching in memory.

    To adjust the TTL when caching on disk, update cache_ttl in the configuration files. Note that the TTL value is only used when the response headers Cache-Control and Expires are both absent. Logo

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