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See plugin common configurations for configuration options available to all plugins.

  • brokers



    vaild vaule:

    greater than 0

    List of Kafka broker nodes.

    • host



      The host of Kafka broker.

    • port



      The port of Kafka broker.

    • sasl_config


      The SASL configuration of Kafka broker

      • mechanism


        default: PLAIN

        vaild vaule:


        The mechanism of SASL configuration.

      • user



        The user of SASL configuration.

      • password



        The password of SASL configuration.

  • kafka_topic



    Target topic to push the logs for organization.

  • producer_type


    default: async

    vaild vaule:

    async or sync

    Target topic to push the logs for organization.

  • required_acks


    vaild vaule:

    -1 or 1

    Number of acknowledgements the leader needs to receive for the producer to consider the request complete. This controls the durability of the sent records. See Kafka documentation for more information. acks=0 is not yet supported.

  • key


    Key used for allocating partitions for messages.

  • timeout


    default: 3

    vaild vaule:

    greater than 0

    Timeout for the upstream to send data.

  • meta_format


    vaild vaule:

    default or origin

    Format to collect the request information. Setting to default collects the information in JSON format and origin collects the information with the original HTTP request. See the example for more details.

  • log_format


    Custom log format in key-value pairs in JSON format. Support built-in variables in values.

    You can also configure log format on a global scale using the plugin metadata, which configures the log format for all kafka-logger plugin instances. If the log format configured on the individual plugin instance differs from the log format configured on plugin metadata, the log format configured on the individual plugin instance takes precedence. See the example for more details.

  • include_req_body


    default: false

    If true, include the request body in the log. Note that if the request body is too big to be kept in the memory, it can not be logged due to NGINX's limitations.

  • include_req_body_expr


    An array of one or more conditions in the form of APISIX expressions. Used when the include_req_body is true. Request body would only be logged when the expressions configured here evaluate to true.

  • max_req_body_bytes


    default: 524288

    vaild vaule:


    Maximum request body allowed in bytes. Request bodies falling within this limit will be pushed to Kafka. If the size exceeds the configured value, the body will be truncated before being pushed to Kafka.

  • include_resp_body


    default: false

    If true, include the response body in the log.

  • include_resp_body_expr


    An array of one or more conditions in the form of APISIX expressions. Used when the include_resp_body is true. Response body would only be logged when the expressions configured here evaluate to true.

  • max_resp_body_bytes


    default: 524288

    vaild vaule:


    Maximum response body allowed in bytes. Response bodies falling within this limit will be pushed to Kafka. If the size exceeds the configured value, the body will be truncated before being pushed to Kafka.

  • cluster_name


    default: 1

    vaild vaule:

    greater or equal to 0

    Name of the cluster. Used when there are two or more Kafka clusters. Only works if producer_type is set to async.

  • producer_batch_num


    default: 200

    vaild vaule:

    greater or equal to 1

    The number of messages to send in one batch. Same as the batch_num parameter in lua-resty-kafka.

  • producer_batch_size


    default: 1048576

    vaild vaule:

    greater or equal to 0

    The size of the TCP send buffer to use when sending data. Same as the batch_size parameter in lua-resty-kafka, but in bytes.

  • producer_max_buffering


    default: 50000

    vaild vaule:

    greater or equal to 1

    Maximum buffer size. Same as the max_buffering parameter in lua-resty-kafka.

  • producer_time_linger


    default: 1

    vaild vaule:

    greater or equal to 1

    Flush time. Same as the flush_time parameter in lua-resty-kafka, but in seconds.

  • producer_time_linger


    default: 1

    vaild vaule:

    greater or equal to 1

    Flush time. Same as the flush_time parameter in lua-resty-kafka, but in seconds.

  • meta_refresh_interval


    default: 30

    vaild vaule:

    greater or equal to 1

    Time interval to auto refresh the metadata. Same as the refresh_interval parameter in lua-resty-kafka, but in seconds.

  • name


    default: kafka logger

    Unique identifier of the plugin for the batch processor. If you use Prometheus to monitor APISIX metrics, the name is exported in apisix_batch_process_entries.

  • batch_max_size


    default: 1000

    vaild vaule:

    greater than 0

    The number of log entries allowed in one batch. Once reached, the batch will be sent to the logging service. Setting this parameter to 1 means immediate processing.

  • inactive_timeout


    default: 5

    vaild vaule:

    greater than 0

    The maximum time in seconds to wait for new logs before sending the batch to the logging service. The value should be smaller than buffer_duration.

  • buffer_duration


    default: 60

    vaild vaule:

    greater than 0

    The maximum time in seconds from the earliest entry allowed before sending the batch to the logging service.

  • retry_delay


    default: 1

    vaild vaule:

    greater or equal to 0

    The time interval in seconds to retry sending the batch to the logging service if the batch was not successfully sent.

  • max_retry_count


    default: 60

    vaild vaule:

    greater or equal to 0

    The maximum number of unsuccessful retries allowed before dropping the log entries.

Plugin Metadata

  • log_format


    Custom log format in key-value pairs in JSON format. Support built-in variables in values. Logo

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