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Upstream Health Check Reference

Active Health Check

Typestring-NoOptional Values: "HTTP", "HTTPS", "TCP"Active health check probe type.
Probe Timeoutinteger1Yes> 0Probe request timeout (in seconds).
Concurrent Probesinteger10Yes> 0The number of targets can be probed concurrently.
Probe Target Portinteger-Yes[1, 65535]By default, the port is the same as the one defined in the Upstream target.
HTTP Probe Hoststring-YesThis field is only useful when Type is HTTP or HTTPSThe HTTP Host header in HTTP probe requests. By default, it's the domain or IP address of the target.
HTTP Probe Pathstring10YesThis field is only useful when Type is HTTP or HTTPSThe HTTP path in HTTP probe requests.
HTTP Probe Headersobject-YesThis field is only useful when Type is HTTP or HTTPSExtra HTTP headers. These headers will be carried when sending HTTP probe requests.
Verify Target TLS CertificatebooleanfalseYesThis field is only useful when Type is HTTPSWhether to verify the target's TLS certificate.
Healthy Targets Check Intervalinteger1Yes> 0The time interval (in seconds) for checking healthy targets.
Healthy HTTP Status Codesarray of integer[200, 302]Yes200 <= item <= 599 and items are unique. This field is only useful when Type is HTTP or HTTPSA list of HTTP status codes. It's used for checking if an HTTP probe request is successful.
Healthy Successesinteger2Yes> 0. This field is only useful when Type is HTTP or HTTPSThe number of successful probes to consider a target is healthy.
Unhealthy Targets Check Intervalinteger1Yes> 0The time interval (in seconds) for checking unhealthy targets.
Unhealthy HTTP Status Codesarray of integer[404, 500, 501, 502]Yes200 <= item <= 599 and items are unique. This field is only useful when Type is HTTP or HTTPSA list of HTTP status codes. It's used for checking if an HTTP probe request is failed.
Unhealthy HTTP Failuresinteger5Yes> 0. This field is only useful when Type is HTTP or HTTPSThe number of HTTP-related failures to consider a target is unhealthy.
Unhealthy TCP Failuresinteger2Yes> 0. This field is only useful when Type is TCPThe number of TCP-related failures to consider a target is unhealthy.
Unhealthy Timeoutsinteger3Yes> 0. This field is only useful when Type is HTTP or HTTPSThe number of probe timeouts to consider a target is unhealthy.

Passive Health Check

Typestring-NoOptional Values: "HTTP", "HTTPS", "TCP"Passive health check type.
Healthy HTTP Status Codesarray of integer[200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 226, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308]Yes200 <= item <= 599 and items are unique. This field is only useful when Type is HTTP or HTTPSA list of HTTP status codes. It's used for checking if an HTTP request is successful.
Unhealthy HTTP Status Codesarray of integer[429 500 503]Yes200 <= item <= 599 and items are unique. This field is only useful when Type is HTTP or HTTPSA list of HTTP status codes. It's used for checking if an HTTP request is failed.
Unhealthy HTTP Failuresinteger5Yes> 0. This field is only useful when Type is HTTP or HTTPSThe number of HTTP-related failures to consider a target is unhealthy.
Unhealthy TCP Failuresinteger2Yes> 0. This field is only useful when Type is TCPThe number of TCP-related failures to consider a target is unhealthy.
Unhealthy Timeoutsinteger3Yes> 0. This field is only useful when Type is HTTP or HTTPSThe number of probe timeouts to consider a target is unhealthy. Logo

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