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Version: 3.6.x

Control Plane Release Notes

Version CP3.6.0

Release Date: 2025-02-26

Compatible Data Plane Versions: 3.2.x.x - 3.6.x

New Features

Decoupled Data Plane and Control Plane Versions

Starting with version 3.6.0, data plane and control plane versions are decoupled, allowing for independent upgrades. The control plane will typically be compatible with multiple data plane versions, while data plane versions will evolve at a slower pace to maintain stability.

Configured mTLS for Upstreams

To prevent unauthorized access and harden security, consider Configure mTLS between API7 Enterprise and Upstream.

Logged in with Email

API7 Enterprise now supports login using either username or email address with password. To use email for login or to receive notifications, please bind an email address to your user profile.


  • Supported referencing environment variables for SSO connection information.
  • Introduced a form-based UI for plugin configuration.
  • Added Basic Authentication as an authentication option for Developer Portal credentials. If the API product allows multiple authentication types, any valid credential can be used.
  • Removed service runtime configurations in service templates, for better template reuse across gateway groups. This is a breaking change. Existing service runtime configurations within service templates will be removed, but your published service configurations will remain unchanged. Furthermore, the publishing process is simplified and streamlined, with no service runtime configurations allowed during the process. See the renewed guide to publish service. Logo

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API7 Gateway

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