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Reference Secrets in HashiCorp Vault

Secret Managers such as HashiCorp Vault, AWS Secret Manager, provide a centralized and secure way to store and manage sensitive data, such as passwords, API keys, certificates, and database credentials.

This tutorial demonstrates how to integrate API7 Gateway with HashiCorp Vault, enabling you to securely store and reference consumer credentials and plugin configurations from Vault.


  1. Install API7 Enterprise.
  2. Have at least one gateway instance in your gateway group.
  3. Install Docker.
  4. Install cURL to send requests to the services for validation.
  5. Install ZIP to unzip the Vault binary from the official distributed zipped file.

Configure Vault Server

Start a Vault instance in dev mode in Docker named api7-quickstart-vault with the token api7-quickstart-vault-token. The exposed port is mapped to 8200 on the host machine:

docker run -d --cap-add=IPC_LOCK \
-e 'VAULT_ADDR=' \
-e 'VAULT_DEV_ROOT_TOKEN_ID=api7-quickstart-vault-token' \
-e 'VAULT_TOKEN=api7-quickstart-vault-token' \
--network=api7-quickstart-net \
--name api7-quickstart-vault \
-p 8200:8200 vault:1.13.0

API7 Gateway needs permission to access Vault and retrieve secrets. You should create a policy file in HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) to generate a Vault access token for API7 Gateway.

Create a Vault policy file named api7-policy.hcl in the Vault instance to grant read permission of the path secret/ to API7 Gateway. You can put secrets under the path secret/ to allow API7 Gateway to read them:

docker exec api7-quickstart-vault /bin/sh -c "echo '
path \"secret/data/*\" {
capabilities = [\"read\"]
' > /etc/api7-policy.hcl"

Apply the policy file to the Vault instance:

docker exec api7-quickstart-vault vault policy write api7-policy /etc/api7-policy.hcl

Next, generate the access token attached to the newly defined policy for API7 Gateway to access Vault:

docker exec api7-quickstart-vault vault token create -policy="api7-policy"

Every execution of the above command will generate a different token. If successful, the output should be similar to the following:

Key                  Value
--- -----
token hvs.CAESIHUznrV4wgcifUia0FROd6iprK7NjipAiHBYwiZDQP9TGh4KHGh2cy5ndHc5dzBPbXd5Y1pzblZXd2ZuQXA3ZHI
token_accessor YY4iCj2lICDNd50ZJDsBjvZK
token_duration 768h
token_renewable true
token_policies ["api7-policy" "default"]
identity_policies []
policies ["api7-policy" "default"]

Add Secret Provider in Gateway Group

  1. Select Secret Providers of your gateway group from the side navigation bar, then click Add Secret Provider.
  2. From the dialog box, do the following:
  • In the Secret Provider ID field, enter my-vault.
  • In the Secret Manager field, choose HashiCorp Vault.
  • In the KV Version field, choose KV version 1.
  • Fill in the Vault Server URL field. For example,
  • Fill in the Secret Prefix field. For example, secret/api7.
  • In the Authentication Method field, choose Token.
  • Fill in the Token field.
  • Click Add.

Reference Secrets to Create Consumer Credential

The following sensitive field in consumer credentials can be stored in an external secret manager(HashiCorp Vault, AWS Secret Manager, etc.) and referenced in API7 Gateway:

  • key in Key Authentication credential
  • password in Basic Authentication credential
  • secret , public key in JWT Authentication credential
  • secret key in HMAC Authentication credential

Add a Consumer

  1. Select Consumers of your gateway group from the side navigation bar.
  2. Click Add Consumer.
  3. From the dialog box, do the following:
  • In the Name field, enter Alice.
  • Click Add.

Store Secrets

Create a secret key=alice-primary-key for key authentication credential and store it in the path secret/api7/consumer/alice of Vault. Ensure the path aligns with your configured secret prefix:

docker exec api7-quickstart-vault vault kv put secret/api7/consumer/alice key=alice-primary-key

The expected response is similar to the following:

=== Secret Path ===

======= Metadata =======
Key Value
--- -----
created_time 2023-03-15T11:42:17.123175125Z
custom_metadata <nil>
deletion_time n/a
destroyed false
version 1

Repeat to create more secrets for other consumer credentials, all under the same path:

  • For basic authentication credential:
docker exec api7-quickstart-vault vault kv put secret/api7/consumer/alice password=alice-password
  • For JWT authentication credential:
docker exec api7-quickstart-vault vault kv put secret/api7/consumer/alice secret=alice-secret
  • For HMAC authentication credential:
docker exec api7-quickstart-vault vault kv put secret/api7/consumer/alice secret-key=alice-secret-key

Add Key Authentication Credential

  1. Select Consumers of your gateway group from the side navigation bar.
  2. Select your target consumer, for example, Alice.
  3. Under the Credentials tab, click Add Key Authentication Credential.
  4. From the dialog box, do the following:
  • In the Name field, enter primary-key.
  • In the Key field, choose Reference from Secret Provider, then enter $secret://vault/my-vault/consumer/alice/key.
  • Click Add.

All secret references start with $secret://. vault is Secret Manager of the secret provider, my-vault is Secret Provider ID. When connecting to HashiCorp Vault, $secret://vault/my-vault will be replaced with the actual Secret Prefix of the secret provider. Finally, the path sent to HashiCorp Vault will be secret/api7/consumer/alice/key.

Add Basic Authentication Credential

  1. Select Consumers of your gateway group from the side navigation bar.
  2. Select your target consumer, for example, Alice.
  3. Under the Credentials tab, click Basic Authenticationtab, then click Add Basic Authentication Credential.
  4. From the dialog box, do the following:
  • In the Name field, enter primary-basic.
  • In the Username field, enter Alice.
  • In the Password field, choose Reference from Secret Provider, then enter $secret://vault/my-vault/consumer/alice/password.
  • Click Add.

All secret references start with $secret://. vault is Secret Manager of the secret provider, my-vault is Secret Provider ID. When connecting to HashiCorp Vault, $secret://vault/my-vault will be replaced with the actual Secret Prefix of the secret provider. Finally, the path sent to HashiCorp Vault will be secret/api7/consumer/alice/password.

Add JWT Authentication Credential

  1. Select Consumers of your gateway group from the side navigation bar.
  2. Select your target consumer, for example, Alice.
  3. Under the Credentials tab, click JWTtab, then click Add JWT Credential.
  4. From the dialog box, do the following:
  • In the Name field, enter primary-jwt.
  • In the Key field, enter alice-key.
  • In the Algorithm field, choose HS256.
  • In the Secret field, choose Reference from Secret Provider, then enter $secret://vault/my-vault/consumer/alice/secret.
  • Click Add.

All secret references start with $secret://. vault is Secret Manager of the secret provider, my-vault is Secret Provider ID. When connecting to HashiCorp Vault, $secret://vault/my-vault will be replaced with the actual Secret Prefix of the secret provider. Finally, the path sent to HashiCorp Vault will be secret/api7/consumer/alice/secret.

Add HMAC Authentication Credential

  1. Select Consumers of your gateway group from the side navigation bar.
  2. Select your target consumer, for example, Alice.
  3. Under the Credentials tab, click HMAC Authenticationtab, then click Add HMAC Authentication Credential.
  4. From the dialog box, do the following:
  • In the Name field, enter primary-jwt.
  • In the Key ID field, enter alice-keyid.
  • In the Secret Key field, choose Reference from Secret Provider, then enter $secret://vault/my-vault/consumer/alice/secret-key.
  • Click Add.

All secret references start with $secret://. vault is Secret Manager of the secret provider, my-vault is Secret Provider ID. When connecting to HashiCorp Vault, $secret://vault/my-vault will be replaced with the actual Secret Prefix of the secret provider. Finally, the path sent to HashiCorp Vault will be secret/api7/consumer/alice/secret-key.

Reference Secrets to Enable Plugin

The following sensitive field in plugin configurations can be stored in an external secret manager(HashiCorp Vault, AWS Secret Manager, etc.) and referenced in API7 Gateway:

Limit Countredis_username, redis_password
Authz-Casdoorclient_id, client_secret
Wolf RBACappid
LDAP Authenticationuser_dn

Store a Secret

Create a secret username=api7 for key authentication credential and store it in the path secret/api7/redis of Vault. Ensure the path aligns with your configured secret prefix:

docker exec api7-quickstart-vault vault kv put secret/api7/redis username=api7

The expected response is similar to the following:

=== Secret Path ===

======= Metadata =======
Key Value
--- -----
created_time 2023-03-15T11:42:17.123175125Z
custom_metadata <nil>
deletion_time n/a
destroyed false
version 1

Try again to store a secret for Redis password:

docker exec api7-quickstart-vault vault kv put secret/api7/redis password=redis-api7

Limit Count Plugin Configuration

For where and how to enable the Limit Count plugin, refer to Apply Rate Limiting to APIs.

Add the following configuration to the JSON Editor:

"count": 3,
"time_window": 60,
"key_type": "var",
"rejected_code": 429,
"rejected_msg": "Too many requests",
"key": "remote_addr",
"policy": "redis",
"redis_host": "",
"redis_port": 6379,
"redis_username": "$secret://vault/my-vault/redis/username",
"redis_password": "$secret://vault/my-vault/redis/password",
"redis_database": 1,
"redis_timeout": 1001,
"allow_degradation": false,
"show_limit_quota_header": true

All secret references start with $secret://. vault is Secret Manager of the secret provider, my-vault is Secret Provider ID. When connecting to HashiCorp Vault, $secret://vault/my-vault will be replaced with the actual Secret Prefix of the secret provider. Finally, the path sent to HashiCorp Vault will be secret/api7/redis/username and secret/api7/redis/password .

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