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Static Configurations

By default, values such as cache_ttl when caching on disk and cache zones are pre-configured in the default configuration.

To customize these values, add the corresponding configurations to config.yaml. For example:

cache_ttl: 10s # default cache TTL used when caching on disk, only if none of the `Expires`
# and `Cache-Control` response headers is present, or if APISIX returns
# `502 Bad Gateway` or `504 Gateway Timeout` due to unavailable upstreams
- name: disk_cache_one
memory_size: 50m
disk_size: 1G
disk_path: /tmp/disk_cache_one
cache_levels: 1:2
# - name: disk_cache_two
# memory_size: 50m
# disk_size: 1G
# disk_path: "/tmp/disk_cache_two"
# cache_levels: "1:2"
- name: memory_cache
memory_size: 50m

Reload APISIX for changes to take effect.


See plugin common configurations for configuration options available to all plugins.

  • cache_strategy


    default: disk

    vaild vaule:

    disk or memory

    Caching strategy. Cache on disk or in memory.

  • cache_zone


    default: disk_cache_one

    Cache zone used with the caching strategy. The value should match one of the cache zones defined in the configuration files and should correspond to the caching strategy. For example, when using the in-memory caching strategy, you should use an in-memory cache zone.

  • cache_key


    default: ["$host", "$request_uri"]

    Key to use for caching.

    Support built-in variables and constant strings in values. Variables should be prefixed with a $ sign.

  • cache_bypass


    One or more parameters to parse value from, such that if any of the values is not empty and is not equal to 0, response will not be retrieved from cache.

    Support built-in variables and constant strings in values. Variables should be prefixed with a $ sign.

  • cache_method


    default: ["GET", "HEAD"]

    vaild vaule:

    Any combination of methods from "GET", "POST", and "HEAD"

    Request methods of which the response should be cached.

  • cache_http_status


    default: [200, 301, 404]

    vaild vaule:

    Any combination of integer values from 200 to 599 inclusive

    Response HTTP status codes of which the response should be cached.

  • hide_cache_headers


    default: false

    If true, hide Expires and Cache-Control response headers.

  • cache_control


    default: false

    If true, comply with Cache-Control behavior in the HTTP specification. Only valid for in-memory strategy.

  • no_cache


    One or more parameters to parse value from, such that if any of the values is not empty and is not equal to 0, response will not be cached.

    Support built-in variables and constant strings in values. Variables should be prefixed with a $ sign.

  • cache_ttl


    default: 300

    vaild vaule:

    greater or equal to 1

    Cache time to live (TTL) in seconds when caching in memory.

    To adjust the TTL when caching on disk, update cache_ttl in the configuration files. The TTL value is evaluated in conjunction with the values in the response headers Cache-Control and Expires received from the upstream service. Logo

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