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Version: 3.11.0

Admin API Key

Admin API keys are used to control access to the APISIX Admin API endpoints, allowing only authorized users to manage and administer APISIX resources via the Admin API.

Key Requirement and Permissions

It is strongly recommended that you switch on the mandatory requirement of Admin API keys in production and configure a set of complex keys to harden your APISIX instances.

The example configuration file documents the following details, where Admin API key is required by default and set to an empty string:

admin_key_required: true
name: admin
key: ''
role: admin # read and write access
name: viewer
key: 4054f7cf07e344346cd3f287985e76a2
role: viewer # read-only access

If you do not configure a custom Admin API key, APISIX will automatically generate a key at runtime.

To customize these configurations for your deployment, add the custom configurations to the config.yaml configuration file and reload APISIX for changes to take effect.

Other Admin API Security Options

In addition to setting the Admin API keys, you can also customize other configurations to further secure the Admin API, such as:

For a complete list of configuration options, see config.yaml.example. Logo

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