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Version: 3.11.0

Implement API Versioning

In the dynamic landscape of software development, maintaining a robust and flexible API is essential for building scalable and interoperable systems. As software evolves over time, it is inevitable that changes and updates will need to be made to APIs. API versioning provides a systematic approach to introduce breaking changes while preserving backward compatibility.

In this guide, you will understand a few different API versioning strategies and how to implement them in APISIX.


Path-Based Versioning

Path-based versioning is one of the most popular approaches to API versioning that involves incorporating the version number directly into the URL path of the API endpoint, for example:

To implement this strategy in APISIX, create one route for each API version, such as the following:

curl "" -X PUT -d '
"id": "apis-v1",
"uri": "/v1/*",
"upstream": {
"type": "roundrobin",
"nodes": {
"": 1
"pass_host": "node",
"scheme": "https"
curl "" -X PUT -d '
"id": "apis-v2",
"uri": "/v2/*",
"upstream": {
"type": "roundrobin",
"nodes": {
"": 1
"pass_host": "node",
"scheme": "https"

Query-Based Versioning

Query-based versioning is another API versioning approach, which involves incorporating the version number into the URL query parameters, for example:

To implement this strategy in APISIX, create one route for each API version and configure their matching criteria and priorities, such as the following:

curl "" -X PUT -d '
"id": "apis-v1",
"uri": "/*",
"vars": [[ "arg_version", "==", "1" ]],
"priority": 2,
"upstream": {
"type": "roundrobin",
"nodes": {
"": 1
"pass_host": "node",
"scheme": "https"
curl "" -X PUT -d '
"id": "apis-v2",
"uri": "/*",
"vars": [[ "arg_version", "==", "2" ]],
"priority": 3,
"upstream": {
"type": "roundrobin",
"nodes": {
"": 1
"pass_host": "node",
"scheme": "https"

As both routes are configured to match the same URI, setting priorities would allow the route with higher priority to match requests first.

Header-Based Versioning

A third approach to API versioning is to version with the HTTP header. The version could be included in a custom header, for example:

GET /foo HTTP/1.1
Api-Version: 1
GET /foo HTTP/1.1
Api-Version: 2

To implement this strategy in APISIX, create one route for each API version and configure their matching criteria and priorities, such as the following:

curl "" -X PUT -d '
"id": "apis-v1",
"uri": "/*",
"vars": [[ "http_api_version", "==", "1" ]],
"priority": 2,
"upstream": {
"type": "roundrobin",
"nodes": {
"": 1
"pass_host": "node",
"scheme": "https"
curl "" -X PUT -d '
"id": "apis-v2",
"uri": "/*",
"vars": [[ "http_api_version", "==", "2" ]],
"priority": 3,
"upstream": {
"type": "roundrobin",
"nodes": {
"": 1
"pass_host": "node",
"scheme": "https"

Adjust the header filtering criteria accordingly, such as when content negotiation is used for versioning.

As both routes are configured to match the same URI, setting priorities would allow the route with higher priority to match requests first.

Next Steps

When versioning APIs, oftentimes you would need to forward requests to different URI paths rather than the original requests paths, or redirect requests from deprecated endpoints to the versioned endpoints. See the following plugins for more information: Logo

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