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What is Route

In API7 Cloud, a route is a specific endpoint exposed by a service.

How to Create a Route

Note route is an affiliated resource of the Service, to create a route, please create a service first.

  1. Open the API7 Cloud console.
  2. From the left navigation bar, choose API Management, then select Services from the secondary menu.
  3. Click on the name of the target Service that you want to add a route for.
  4. On the Service details page, click on the Create Route
  5. Fill the form to create the target route. Two kinds of content that you should fill out:
    • Basic, fields like name, path, and method should be filled out.
    • Plugins, where you can specify a set of plugins.

How to Get Route Details

To get a route details, do the following:

  1. Open the API7 Cloud console.
  2. From the left navigation bar, choose API Management, then select Services from the secondary menu.
  3. Click on the name of the target Service (you need to know where the route is).
  4. On the Service details page, search for the route that you want in the routes table. Click on the route name.
  5. You'll be redirected to the route details page.

How to Update a Route

To update a route, follow the tips in How to Get Route Details first.

Route attributes are categorized into Basics, Fine Grained Route Control, Plugins, click on the edit icon to update the desired part.

How to Delete a Route



To delete a route, do the following:

  1. Open the API7 Cloud console.
  2. From the left navigation bar, choose API Management, then select Services from the secondary menu.
  3. Click on the name of the target Service (you need to know where the route is).
  4. On the Service details page, search for the route you want in the routes table. Then:
    1. Click on the delete button.
    2. Or you can enter the route details page by clicking the route name, then click on the Actions button, select Delete field.

You'll be asked to fill the route name as the double check before deleting the route.

Key Fields

Some fields are vital for the route to work.


Path is the URI path of the route. It'll start with the Path Prefix. You can decide to if strip the Path Prefix (through the Strip Service Path Prefix option) before the request goes upstream. As an example, if the Path Prefix is /api/v1, the Path is /products, requests will have /api/v1/products as the URI path when they go to the upstream if the Strip Service Path Prefix option is disabled; On the contrary, if the Strip Service Path Prefix is enabled, the Path will be /products, and requests will have /products.


API7 Cloud inserts a slash (/) between the Path Prefix and the Path, so if the Path Prefix is /api/v1, and Path is products, the URI path will be /api/v1/products instead of /api/v1products.

The match type for the Path can be exact or prefix. An exact match means the URI path of requests should be identical to the route Path. Prefix match means the URI path of requests should start with the Path of this route. As an example, if the Path is /products, and the match type is prefix, then /products/c2fb7846, /products123 will be matched. But if the match type is exact, then only /products can be matched.


Method limits the allowed HTTP methods. It's an optional field. By default, API7 Cloud doesn't limit the HTTP methods.

Fine Grained Route Control

Sometimes it's not enough to match the route only uses path, HTTP methods. For example, for requests which takes the X-API-Version header and value is v1, let's apply the Fault Injection. In such a case, the route fine-grained route control helps you.

The fine-grained route control feature is composed of a series of expressions. An expression contains subject, name, operator, value.

  • The subject is the scope of the expression subject, optional values are:
    • Header: subject will fetch from HTTP request headers.
    • Cookie: subject will fetch from Cookie fields.
    • Query: subject will fetch from URI queries.
    • Path: subject will be the URI path.
    • Variable: subject will be a Nginx variable or APISIX variable.
  • The name is the subject name, There are some requirements for name:
    • When subject is Variable, name should be a valid Variable.
    • When subject is Path, name is not necessary.
  • The value is the desired value that the subject should match.
  • The operator decides how to match the value, optional values are:
    • Equal: subject should be equal to the value.
    • Not Equal: subject should not be equal to the value.
    • Regex Match: subject should match the value pattern (value should be a PCRE regex pattern).
    • Regex Not Match: subject should not match the value pattern (value should be a PCRE regex pattern).
    • Present: subject should not be empty. In case value field is not necessary.
    • Not Present: subject should be empty. In case value field is not necessary.
    • Larger Equal: subject should be greater than or equal to the value (value should be a number).
    • Larger Than: subject should be greater than the value (value should be a number).
    • Less Equal: subject should be less than or equal to the value (value should be a number).
    • Less Than: subject should be less than the value (value should be a number).

Besides, API7 Cloud also supports configuring the logical relationship among all the expressions. options can be:

  • All: result of all expressions must be true.
  • Any: at least one of the expression results should be true.


The above fine grained route control configurations makes only requests with below characteristics can match the route:

  1. Requests should have the X-Debug header.
  2. Requests should have the version arg in the query string, and its value should be v1.

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