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What is Service

In API7 Cloud, the service is a high-level abstraction for a backend (or upstream) from API Gateway's point of view. In terms of architecture, it's equivalent to a micro-service, which contains a set of routes (all of them will be effective on the API Gateway).

How to create a Service

To create a Service, do the following:

  1. Open the API7 Cloud console.
  2. From the left navigation bar, choose API Management, then select Services from the secondary menu.
  3. Click on the Create Service button.
  4. Fill in the form to decide the Service attributes. Three kinds of content that you should fill in to create Service:
    • Basic, where you can specify the Service name, description, protocol, and other fields.
    • Upstream, where you can specify the upstream information (e.g., the target URLs).
    • Plugins, where you can specify a set of plugins.

The switch in the upper right controls if the Service is published. Only published Service will be visible for gateway instances.

Get Service Details

To get the Service details, do the following:

  1. Open the API7 Cloud console.
  2. From the left navigation bar, choose API Management, then select Services from the secondary menu.
  3. Click on the name of the Service that you want to browse. You can see the following attributes of the Service:

Delete a Service



Delete all the routes in the service before you try to delete the Service, or the delete operation will fail.

To delete a Service, do the following:

  1. Open the API7 Cloud console.
  2. From the left navigation bar, choose API Management, then select Services from the secondary menu.
  3. Click on the trash icon in the corresponding Service row.
  4. You'll be asked to fill the Service name to do the delete double check.

Or you can:

  1. Open the API7 Cloud console.
  2. From the left navigation bar, choose API Management, then select Services from the secondary menu.
  3. Click on the name of the Service that you want to browse.
  4. Click on the Actions button, select the Delete from the menu.
  5. You'll be asked to fill the Service name to do the delete double check.

Key Fields

Some fields are vital for the service to work.


Which protocol the service will use. Currently, candidates are HTTP, HTTPS, and HTTP, HTTPS.

  • HTTP. The Service only handles HTTP traffic.
  • HTTPS. The Service only handles HTTPS traffic. In such a case, gateway instances will redirect requests sent to the HTTP port to the HTTPS port.
  • HTTP, HTTPS. The Service handles both HTTP and HTTPS traffic.

Path Prefix

Path Prefix is the path prefix of the Service. It'll be used with the Route Path together to form the full route path.


Host indicates the HTTP Host header value for requests to the Service.


Fields in the Upstream section specify details about the upstream (in other words, the backend micro-service).

API7 Cloud supports configuring multiple Upstream versions for the same Service. This feature is always used with the Canary Release so that your backend service can transit from the old version to the new one smoothly.

You can only create one Upstream version (version name will be default) when creating the Service. By default, you just need to specify the upstream address (URL), e.g.,

Upstream Version in Use

This field indicates which Upstream version is used. All API requests will be forwarded to this Upstream version (if no Canary Release rule is active).

Upstream Advanced Settings

If the use case is simple, you just need to fill in the backend service address. However, some advanced settings might be helpful when the scenarios are complicated.


All the advanced upstream settings are collapsed by default. Click on View Advanced Upstream Options to unfold them.

Mutual TLS

If the backend service asks the client to provide the certificate as the identifier, you need to enable the Mutual TLS feature for this upstream version. Please refer to Enable Upstream Mutual TLS for more details.

Load Balancing

Load balancing is trivial if you just have one endpoint for the backend service, but it's crucial when you have multiple. You can select the desired load balancing algorithm and input several endpoints and weights.

Available load balancing algorithms are:

  1. Round Robin: API7 Cloud uses the weighted one.
  2. Least Connection: Schedule according to the existing connections of each endpoint.
  3. Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA)


You can also customize the timeout settings for this upstream version if the default ones are not appropriate for you. The connect timeout, read timeout, and send timeout are 60s perspectives.


The timeouts are set for only between two successive write/read operations, not for the transmission of the whole response.


The Retry field controls the retry times for requests to this upstream version. By default, it's equal to the number of endpoints minus 1 for this upstream version, e.g., if you configure five endpoints, then requests will retry at most four times. It doesn't contain the time that the initial request to the backend. Set it to 0 will disable the retry.

When will Apache APISIX trigger retry?
  1. An error occurred while establishing a connection with the endpoint, passing a request to it, or reading the response header;
  2. A timeout has occurred while establishing a connection with the endpoint, passing a request to it, or reading the response header;

Service Discovery

The upstream target list will be dynamic if you're using service registry. In such a case, you can configure an upstream with the Service Discovery settings instead of filling the target list. Currently, only the Kubernetes Service Discovery is supported.

Health Check

We cannot make sure any service can work all the time, or the Service Level Agreement (aka SLA) won't appear. Forwarding API requests to the correct backend service is an API Gateway's primary responsibility, but what if some service instances are broken? The API request may get HTTP status codes like 503 or 504, depending on the specific failures.

The service availability will be enhanced significantly if the API Gateway can pick up only the healthy instances when forwarding API requests. This is the feature that we call "Upstream Health Check". You can configure the active health check and passive health check. For the active one, Apache APISIX will send probe requests to upstream targets and check if the targets are healthy or not. The passive health check relies on checking the response of actual API requests (e.g., status code, connection state). Once failure times reach the configured threshold, Apache APISIX will mark upstream targets as unhealthy. You can enable the passive health check only if you also enable the active one because there is no "recovery mechanism" for the passive health check. Without the active health check, an unhealthy node won't have a chance to be healthy again, even if it's healthy.

You can see the Upstream Health Check Reference to learn the details.

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